Meet the Team
Completed a BA Hons in 3D design at the University of Hertfordshire and worked in model making. Before going on to work as a mount maker for Royal Armouries Museum at the Tower of London, where he was responsible for a team remounting and building displays as part of the museum move from London to Leeds.
Richard then worked as a project manager at Colin Bowles Ltd in London mounting objects for art dealers, museums and galleries across the UK and worldwide.
In 2005 Richard relocated to Scotland and set up LightlyWest. He is responsible for designing and building mounts along with day to day running of the company.
Completed a BA Hons in silversmithing at Edinburgh College of Art, followed by two year British Antique Dealers Association Diploma in Conservation of Fine Metals at West Dean College.
Carol worked at Plowden and Smith for two years, followed by over ten years at Colin Bowles, where she conserved and restored metal objects for art collectors and institutions both in the UK and worldwide, including the United States, Japan and the Middle East.
In 2005 Carol relocated to Scotland to set up LightlyWest. Carol continues to specialise in conservation and restoration of metal artefacts, which includes anything from ancient silver, historic bronzes and modern materials.
Completed an MA in Conservation and Restoration of Archaeological and Museum Objects at Durham University, which included an internship in the sculpture conservation department at Glasgow Museums.
Rowan worked on the Paisley Museums decant project, followed by five years at AOC Archaeology, conserving a wide range of objects, ranging from freshly excavated archaeological material, architectural features and historic objects, including the large Historic Environment Scotland collections.
He joined LightlyWest in 2021 as a conservator and mount maker.